Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas in Brazil

A couple weeks ago, my friend Jenny Patterson asked my if I would like to go with her church to a river community.  Of course I said yes.  Friday afternoon I went with her and her friend from church shopping for school supplies and toys for the kids in the community we would be going to.  The trip down the river was Sunday morning.  It took about 45 minutes to get to the community.
This is the boat that took us down to the river community.
There was a time of singing and a Gospel presentation for the kids and a separate Gospel presentation for the adults (each adult was given a Bible).  After the Gospel was presented, everyone got a snack and was divided into the groups to receive the gifts.

We were able to give each child a packet with various school supplies, a book that tells the Christmas story and 2 toys (one new and one used).  I have never see children more excited and appreciative to receive something so simple.

While the children were receiving their gifts, the adults were waiting in line to pick out clothes.  They got to choose 10 articles of clothing per person in their family. 


Here is the group I went with.  

After all the gifts were given and the families were starting to leave, a man from the community took Jenny, 3 other ladies and me in his little boat (it looks similar to a canoe, but it has a motor) to see what their school looks like. I was not able to see much of the inside because it was locked. Oh well.


That same weekend I made a few sugar cookies over at the Patterson's house. 

I mixed up some frosting to let Hannah and Haley do a few cookies for them to have. 


 While the girls were decorating their cookies I made some of my own.

 Here is the finished product.  I ended up with only 8 dozen.  I had about 10 or 11 dozen to start with, but the climate down here caused the cookies to behave differently than they do in the States and alot of them broke. I think they turned out pretty good anyway.

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